This month’s winner is Zala! Zala was at home with her family when she jumped off the counter as she would normally do. Unfortunately, this time she starting limping afterwards. Zala was taken to her local vet where x-rays were performed to find the cause of her pain. X-rays showed that when she landed Zala fractured her right femur head! When this occurs the best option is to perform a femoral head ostectomy, which is a surgical procedure that aims to restore pain-free mobility to a diseased or damaged hip, by removing the head and neck of the femur. Zala was booked in with Dr Raj for her procedure, her anaesthetic was perfect & she was up moving around her cage only a couple hours later.
She will need to be confined for the next 6 weeks to allow herself time to heal, but she is recovering amazingly. She is so lucky to have the wonderful family she does. They got her seen to & treated as soon as they could.
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